Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility CSR (in Dutch: / Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen MVO) can make a significant contribution towards sustainability and competitiveness. The European Commission's definition of CSR is: "A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis."
CSR is more relevant than ever in the context of the economic crisis. It can point the way to new forms of created value based on societal challenges, as a way out of the crisis. This additional value can lead to reduced use of resources, smarter use of energy, shorter transport ways, with other synergistic benefits. The direct results are lower prices, less pollution, savings on raw materials, better traffic flows, time gains, more natural processes, leading to a healthier environment.
The All-Win Network is an association of organizations and individuals who are dedicated to living by the all-win principles. This Network is an initiative developed together with the Dutch branch of the World Federalist Movement and the Association of World Citizens, through which it is accredited to the United Nations.
All-Win Activities Fall into Three Categories:
1 Designing actions that promote a global community that works well for all
2 Empowering individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to support an all win world.
3 Gathering names of individuals and organizations who wish to let governments and the UN know that there is considerable support among citizens worldwide for a global community that works well for all.
Our Offer:
Organizations and companies can benefit from a switch or a (re)orientation to CSR and All-Win principles. We can advise and accompany this process. An introduction during a first meeting is noncommittal. During this conversation with the top management, the historic and the actual situation will be highlihted and analyzed.
If an agreement to work further is reached, Emile van Essen and Freed Schmitter will spend a full week (2 x 38 hours a E 150,- excl. BTW) to get to know the key indicators as well as the people of the office. Based on these data, we will present an action plan for implementation. After this, monitoring 2 x 4 hours 2-weekly during 3 years will guarantee the most effect.
Emile van Essen will outline the financial and management proposals and related relevant steps. Measure aides like Balance score card can be part of the advice.Freed Schmitter will present the roads to CSR and All-Win. This advice includes a thorough identity scan and possible accentuation shift of the business/es.
Your financial investment:
A consultation engagement as described above is about 0,9% (based on a company with a yearly turnover of E 4 million). Payable in half as advance, and in full by finishing the fist phase of the assignment. Monitoring fees payable on a quarterly base.
For smaller companies (up to 1 million/year) our fee based on 0,9% is Euro 65,-/hr excl. BTW.
Please contact us for more details and a quote. You can reach us at:
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